Monday, October 29, 2012

The New Apartment...Kinda

I've been meaning to put up pictures of our new place since we moved in. Well, I finally got pictures taken and put on the computer, so here goes!



Family Room

Up the stairs

1/2 Bathroom Downstairs

Another view of the Kitchen

Upstairs bathroom


Office/Man Cave

The Baby room!

The Punkin!


Well, here we go. Months 10 and 11 flew by! Life is just taking us on a ride. Lexi is now walking. Kurt is done with his masters. And we're having our baby boy tomorrow!! Here go lots of pictures...short post because I gots lots to do tonight!

10 Months old.
This is what most of the pictures look like. It takes a few to get a good one.
Happy girl :)

Kurty's Pumpkin

11 months old!

Such a Lexi face