Wednesday, December 7, 2011

She's Here!!

After the long wait...Alexis Janet Piper is here! The first picture is me at almost 38 weeks. It is the last one I got before She came. Thanksgiving came and went without anything happening, although we had all hoped she would come then. Black Friday began with a few shopping adventures. I got some new shoes for Kurt and I and went to a few boutiques. I had been having 
some stronger contractions 
through my back through the day and by the time we went back to our apartment my mom said 
I wasn't looking so good. After going to bed, I woke up at 12:30 with really bad contractions.  I called the hospital around 2:30 to see if I should come in. They said it was up to me. So we went in. We checked in at 3:15. The nurse had me walk for an hour before checking me in. I got my epidural around 4:30. (These are just highlights from the day. Not very detailed) It was heavenly. Things took awhile to progress so I was given some meds to progress my labor. the doctor broke my water around 6. I pushed for about 3 hours before baby came. It was exhausting. Alexis came at 9:39 pm after 21 long hours of labor. She weighted 6 lbs 8 oz and was 19 inches long. She was very healthy and perfect. We are so happy she is here. We can't imagine life without her.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Baby

Well, since the biggest thing going on is that we're having a baby it should be no surprise that this is yet another baby post. I hit 31 weeks this week. My mom and sister went with me to my appointment on thursday 10/6. Doctor walked in and asked if we were doing an ultrasound. I said I didn't he asked my mom and sister who wanted to see the baby today. They both raised their hands so we did an ultrasound. Her hand was in front of her face again so we only got a glimpse at her with the 3-d. We did get some nice profiles that I'm super excited about.

Profile with her arm in front.
I got the whooping cough/tetanus vaccine and my arm is still sore. My glucose test from last time came back high so we had to schedule the ominous '3 hour' test. we scheduled that for friday 10/7. i had to be there at 8 am bright and early. they said that was best since I had to be fasting. Boy, am I glad I did go in at 8. They really need to call it the '4 hour' test. They stuck my right arm first to test my initial glucose. Once that cleared, I got to drink some nasty pop. Lemon lime is definitely better than the fruit punch. An hour after drinking the pop they drew me again. We tried the left arm because they like to switch arms so we're not going from the same arm. She had a hard time getting my left one, so she had to stick me twice. not sure what exactly went wrong, but after she got done I got really light headed and my ears started ringing. I've never passed out before but I was pretty sure I was going to then. The ladies put some ice on the back of my neck and put my feet up. I really think I just wanted to die....or just pass out so that it would stop. It did eventually. I sat in the blood drawing chair for the whole hour in between draws. The last two draws were uneventful. Kurt came to pick me up and brought me flowers! Oh how I love him. I don't know what I'd do without him. We're down to sixty days left! Two months from today! I can hardly wait to hold her.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Baby Lexi

19 Weeks. These are her legs. Crossed at the ankles like a little lady.
So this was our first look at baby Alexis Janet. This is a little delayed but I was told that before she comes may be the only chance I have to post these pictures for everyone to see, so I'm getting it done :) This was at 6 weeks and 5 days at my very first visit. I am now a day away from being 27 weeks and she is certainly a lot bigger. Hopefully we'll get an updated picture at our next visit on Sept 19. Kurt and I...chose to leave the managing job after a 'small' push from our boss. We were very glad to leave actually and have settled into a new apartment and Kurt into an new job. He is a teller at Wells Fargo and kind-of enjoying it. For all intents and purposes it is a job and we're happy for him to have it. He is also immersed in his MBA program and a class preparing him to get his real estate license. It is our dream to own a few four-plexes in the lovely Rexburg, Idaho and hopefully this is the beginning! We are definitely settled into our ward. Kurt has been called as the Elders Quorum secretary and I, the Relief Society pianist and 'assistant' ward organist. I do play every week though. Apparently the lady currently called as the ward organist hasn't been in a few years because she is quite old and in a nursing home. No one is really sure why they haven't released her yet, but oh well :) as long as they let me take a break after Lexi comes, all will be well. These next few pictures are from when I was at about 19 weeks-July 15.

Kurt and I thought it was a little strange that our technician gave us a picture of her face. Usually they give you a cute profile or something. This is just a little scary...
This is her arm :) Random, yes.
These pictures have helped it seem more real, and we're so excited to welcome Lexi into the world. If she is as active when she is born as she has been in the womb, we will have our hands full!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh Baby!

So..if everyone did not know already...we're having a baby!

Starting from the beginning....I was spending the week with my Grandma Marsh helping her get ready to start showing her house because she is moving to Plain City. I was expecting my period to come that week....and I really thought I was going to but it never came. So I requested Kurt to bring a few pregnancy tests with him on Saturday when he came to get me (This would have been April 2nd...I think). So by this time I was already a week and a half late. Keep in mind I had been off birth control since November so I was really trying not to get my hopes up but did at the same time. Kurt and Scott (my brother in law) arrived at Grandma's and promptly began working on refinishing her cupboards. I took a pregnancy test discreetly into the bathroom and came out with a smile! I disposed of the evidence and took the test to show Kurt. We held it in all afternoon but finally had to tell Grandma and pretty much the rest of the world...It was just so exciting!

My first visit with the doctor went great. There was definitely something in there and at that time I was feeling fantastic. We were just giddy with excitement. It was only 5 short days later that the morning sickness began and began it did. I spent a day the next week at my doctor's getting two bags of fluids and nausea medication. I puked more than once a day, just twice if I was lucky. At my next visit a few weeks later the nurses were worried because I'd lost so much weight. I was also moved back a week from November 30 to December 8. I really expected things to get better last week as I came into my second trimester...with no such luck. It has been such a blessing to have Kurt home with me and to have the job that we do right now. Kurt is always home with me and able to help me and then runs the office for the apartments on the days I cannot. He did have a job interview today that went very well and we will find out Friday if he gets it! It would be so great if he did but I will for sure miss him here at home. What a journey it has been since we moved to Ogden. Adjusting to our new job and adjusting to the thought of being parents!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Well, the Pipers now live in Utah!! We still can't believe it. It's been such an adventure moving down and getting settled. We love it already and love being close to family. are a pain to add so this is all I'm adding. We have a wonderful ward and are really enjoying it. Side note: Michelley just got married to Russy!! It was such an awesome day and we all had so much fun. We're happy for them and look forward to living so close!

Monday, January 17, 2011


So...this little girl is the inspiration for the name of our blog. We LOVED Despicable Me. If you have not seen it you MUST. Emphasize MUST. We both have ringtones from Despicable me. Mine are all Agnes...Kurt's are the minions :) My favorite is the the song she sings:
Unicorns I love them. Unicorns I love them.
Uni uni uni corns I lo ove them.
Uni unicorns I could pet one.
If they were really real
And they are!
So I bought one so I could pet it
and now it loves me and love it!
La, la, la, la....
Best song EVER. and I now love unicorns. Because they are fluffy.

PS we got the job in Utah so we will be moving there by February 1st!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Officially sucking..

So, we officially suck at keeping a blog up. I accidentally deleted our last one, and have had this one for awhile and still haven't written anything. So, here's to procrastination :) 

Kurt and I are still in Rexburg. I'm currently in school, two semesters away from getting my bachelors, however we may be moving to Utah! We find out Monday. Wish us luck!

Kurt is working on his master's degree through ashford university and doing very well. He also referees for the school districts in Idaho. He enjoys that and does very very well with it.

That's all for now :)