So my birthday is next week...and i've just been thinking about the last year. A lot happened! A year ago we moved to Ogden...and boy was that an adventure! The job we loved and that got us down here ended terribly and was not fun at all. We found out we were pregnant in March and by April I was sick sick sick! Things got a little crazy for those nine months. In July we changed locations...and jobs. Kurt really did not feel content at the bank but held out for our little family. We've really liked our new apartment and the ward we're in. We were both really busy with our callings until little Lexi came. Sad to say we haven't really been very active since she came, at least not in our ward. Life has definitely become a little more paced with a baby. All the while, Kurt has been working on his master's degree at Ashford University and he's getting closer and closer to getting done! In November our little Alexis came and that has been one of the biggest changes. Right after we had the baby, Kurt got a new job as an assistant manager at a restaurant. He loves it and is doing very well there. Alexis has really been such a good little baby. She has begun smiling at people she recognizes. She is outgrowing her newborn outfits, which is really sad, but exciting because I get to play dress up with her new clothes :) She also sleeps 7-8 hours a night-which is wonderful! All in all...I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm very content with life and all that has happened to get me where I am now. I super love my hubby, Kurt, and my sweet angel, Alexis.
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