Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh Baby!

So..if everyone did not know already...we're having a baby!

Starting from the beginning....I was spending the week with my Grandma Marsh helping her get ready to start showing her house because she is moving to Plain City. I was expecting my period to come that week....and I really thought I was going to but it never came. So I requested Kurt to bring a few pregnancy tests with him on Saturday when he came to get me (This would have been April 2nd...I think). So by this time I was already a week and a half late. Keep in mind I had been off birth control since November so I was really trying not to get my hopes up but did at the same time. Kurt and Scott (my brother in law) arrived at Grandma's and promptly began working on refinishing her cupboards. I took a pregnancy test discreetly into the bathroom and came out with a smile! I disposed of the evidence and took the test to show Kurt. We held it in all afternoon but finally had to tell Grandma and pretty much the rest of the world...It was just so exciting!

My first visit with the doctor went great. There was definitely something in there and at that time I was feeling fantastic. We were just giddy with excitement. It was only 5 short days later that the morning sickness began and began it did. I spent a day the next week at my doctor's getting two bags of fluids and nausea medication. I puked more than once a day, just twice if I was lucky. At my next visit a few weeks later the nurses were worried because I'd lost so much weight. I was also moved back a week from November 30 to December 8. I really expected things to get better last week as I came into my second trimester...with no such luck. It has been such a blessing to have Kurt home with me and to have the job that we do right now. Kurt is always home with me and able to help me and then runs the office for the apartments on the days I cannot. He did have a job interview today that went very well and we will find out Friday if he gets it! It would be so great if he did but I will for sure miss him here at home. What a journey it has been since we moved to Ogden. Adjusting to our new job and adjusting to the thought of being parents!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU AND I AM SO EXCITED FOR BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
