Thursday, January 26, 2012

2 months old!!

Looking up at my Lion Mobile in my crib

I am 2 months old!!
Lexi is now 2 months old! I can hardly believe it. She is the best baby. Everyone deserves such a sweet baby. We had her two month appointment today. She now weighs 10 lbs 2 oz and is in the 50th percentile. She is 22 inches long. We gave her some baby tylonel before her appointment in preparation for her shots. It was grape flavored and she slurped it down! She had 3 shots and cried more than I've seen her cry yet. She stuck out her bottom lip and was so sad. She calmed down really fast and just wanted to be held. She slept almost the rest of the day. The doctor really wears her out! We just love her so much.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Beginning of 2012

One of my resolutions this year is to blog more. I like keeping in contact with my family and friends and like also for them to be able to see a little bit of what's going on with me. lately its just been Lexi and I at home as Kurt has been a working man. The holidays were very joyful and we love being parents. Alexis is such a good little girl and just so darn cute!
Alexis Janet Piper
I really liking sitting in my swing. But don't turn on the music that came with it.

I looooove being stretched out.

I am one month old!! with Gerard the Giraffe.
Mommy woke me up too early...Christmas Day
I love sleeping in with mommy in the mornings.

I like my carseat most days...

i like to hide from the camera too!
I like my cute giraffe jammies!