After the long wait...Alexis Janet Piper is here! The first picture is me at almost 38 weeks. It is the last one I got before She came. Thanksgiving came and went without anything happening, although we had all hoped she would come then. Black Friday began with a few shopping adventures. I got some new shoes for Kurt and I and went to a few boutiques. I had been having

some stronger contractions
through my back through the day and by the time we went back to our apartment my mom said

I wasn't looking so good.
After going to bed, I woke up at 12:30 with really bad contractions. I called the hospital around 2:30 to see if I should come in. They said it was up to me. So we went in. We checked in at 3:15. The nurse had me walk for an hour before checking me in. I got my epidural around 4:30. (These are just highlights from the day. Not very detailed) It was heavenly. Things took awhile to progress so I was given some meds to progress my labor. the doctor broke my water around 6. I pushed for about 3 hours before baby came. It was exhausting. Alexis came at 9:39 pm after 21 long hours of labor. She weighted 6 lbs 8 oz and was 19 inches long. She was very healthy and perfect. We are so happy she is here. We can't imagine life without her.